Annie, Ned and Maggie Kelly attended the Avenel Common Scool from 1864 to 1865. Ned was reported as a ‘well behaved boy’ who ranked in the top third of his class.

Annie, Ned and Maggie Kelly attended the school at this site from 1864 to 1865. Ned had to leave school at the age of 11 when his father died to take over responsibilities on the farm.
Ned was reported as a ‘well behaved boy’ who ranked in the top third of his class of 13.
In Ned’s last assessment, by the District Inspector G. Wilson Brown, he passed reading, writing and arithmetic.
The schoolhouse consisted of high slab walls, a bark roof, a wooden floor, chimney and porch. The head teacher was James Irving who was a strict disciplinarian, known to slap the ears of misbehaving pupils. He carried a ‘tawse’ – a broad leather strap with its end cut into thongs like a cat o’ nine tails.